Stem Cell Banking
Stem Cell Banking

Although MSCs and EpSCs can be obtained from other sources, there are many benefits of using these cells obtained from cord lining. Furthermore, other than Cordlife, all of the cord blood banks in Hong Kong only can only harvest MSCs from Wharton’s jelly. The table below illustrates some of the many benefits of stem cells obtained from cord lining compared to other sources.

Parameter Bone Marrow Fat Placenta Umbilical Cord
Wharton's Jelly
Cord Lining
Invasiveness Yes Yes No No No 
Ease of processing  No  No  No  No  Yes 
High yield No  No  No  No  Yes 
MSC population Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes 
EpSC population  No  No  Yes  No  Yes 
Age of stem cells  Adult  Adult  Mixed (comprise
cells from mother
and child) 
Infant  Infant 
Presence of
No  No  Yes Yes  Yes 

*Immunosuppressant properties